Sample Education Essay: EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD (Demo)

Introduction Education has always been the foundation of personal and career development. Broadly speaking education leads invention, innovation, and technology. From the onset, technology has mainly catered to many of our needs. From communication to sending files, technology has indeed made it easier for humans to transact and interact. In the recent years, technological advances…

Sample Finance Essay: How and to whom do the financial statements make firms accountable? (Demo)

Introduction International accounting policies and practices in financial reporting are adopted to create equilibrium within the global context. Public interest theory motivates regulatory bodies such as the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Financial reports are important to both shareholders and investors. The main objectives of financial reporting are to “provide information useful to potential investors…

Sample Management Essay: Why Cooperatives Offer a Better and More Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Forms of Capitalistic Organization (Demo)

A cooperative is an organization formed by volunteer members to meet specific needs. Note that a cooperative can be a non-profit or profit-oriented organization. In addition, there are several types of cooperatives such as agricultural cooperative, consumer cooperative, worker cooperative, and cooperative banks and credit unions, among others. Nonetheless, when compared to traditional forms of…

Sample Economics Essay: The Elements of Consumerism and the Impacts on the Individuals and the Society (Demo)

Consumerism is a phenomenon in which the society leans toward the consumption or acquisition of goods and services. Some definition of consumerism leans toward consumer protection and consumer activism. However, some scholars define this phenomenon as a way of life in which individuals become engrossed at consumption and thereby, spending excessively beyond what they actually…